After School Care

Inspiring students to love God, their Catholic faith and learning.

After School Care

After School Care is open from 3:05 pm – 5:30 pm each day school is in session. The After School Care Program provides supervision, recreation, snacks and activities. It serves St. Peter Catholic School families who desire both parochial school education and supplementary day care in a Christian environment. The program accommodates St. Peter Catholic School children in grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. The After School Care Program is staffed by a director and a number of devoted aides. These people work together to help each child grow in maturity and self-respect as well as maintain an atmosphere wherein respect and understanding for others is realized.

On 11:00 am dismissal (last day of school), snow days, early dismissal days due to inclement weather or school emergency there is NO AFTER SCHOOL CARE. On early dismissal days for Faculty Meetings there is NO AFTER SCHOOL CARE.

For more information please refer to the After School Care Handbook.