
As Catholics, we believe that we live our faith – that is, we identify, participate, and belong to the Church primarily through our parish and through our family and community activities.  Please see the Time and Talent opportunities Form below and volunteer for some of the many parish activities; the parish is us.

This year you no longer need to download, fill out the form and then scan it in to email it. You can download the form and fill it out on your computer, then save it and email it to

Contributing and even sacrificing financially is also a part of Christian life; for many years, the tithing formula our Diocese has used is giving 10% of our family income to charity, recommending 5% to the parish, 1% to the Diocese, and 4% to other charities (including the many second collections). 

Quick Reference Guide for New Stewardship Model

Old vs New Way of Tithing Flow Chart

Electronic Church Contributions Form