
Prior to Vatican II, this sacrament was referred to as the Last Rites or Extreme Unction.

Since Vatican II, the faithful are encouraged to receive the sacrament any time they are sick or anticipating a medical procedure.  It is a Sacrament of Healing. It is not reserved just for those who are dying.

The Sacrament of Anointing is available by contacting one of the priests at the Parish Office – 636-8159.

Parental preparation is required for a child to be baptized.  Please plan to attend the required class prior to your child’s birth.

For first-time parents, sessions will be held the first Tuesday; for “experienced” parents, sessions will be held the third Tuesday of the following  months: February, May, August & November. Please click here to fill out the registration form. 

Children make their First Holy Communion usually in the Second Grade.

They are prepared by the teachers in our parish school or through the PSR (Parish School of Religion) Program for those children who attend public schools.

For children in other grades or adults who have not made First Communion, Contact the parish office (636-8159) for information.

“Our spiritual life depends especially on the Holy Eucharist. Without that, faith and hope burn out and charity grows cool. I urge you, therefore, to take ever better care of the quality of your Eucharistic celebrations, especially on Sundays”.
Pope Benedict XVI

Confirmation is celebrated in the seventh grade.  Candidates at St. Peter Parish must be baptized and have received First Holy Communion. Please contact the Parish Office at (573) 636-8159 if you have any questions.

The celebration of marriage, like any other sacramental experience, is first and foremost the worship of the Church. Regardless of the event or occasion, sacraments are always an encounter with God for all who are present, and are not to be isolated to involve only a particular set of individuals. It is important to understand that the celebration of marriage is a sacrament, a religious ritual that celebrates not just the union of two people, but the reality of God’s love known in all people. Truly, a celebration of the Christian life. It is a call and challenge for all of us to deepen that love and to share the love of Christ throughout our entire lives. Marriage is a vocational call to a lifestyle. It is more than a witness contract agreed upon for the sake of financial stability; it is a vocational call to a lifestyle. The committed love of the couple must lead them to be of service to all God’s people and to help build and nurture the kingdom of God. We celebrate your decision to undertake this permanent and faithful covenant with each other and with God. Since it is your life vocation, it should be thoroughly prepared for and seriously considered.

Contact one of the parish priests at the earliest time in your planning.

DIOCESAN POLICY  Diocesan Marriage Policy


Here is a place where you can belong, where belonging leads to believing, and believing leads to becoming all that God has planned for you!

St. Peter Parish invites you to take a deeper look at whether or not following Christ as a member of the Catholic Church is in your best interest. You’re invited, along with others who are searching, to a series of meetings called “Inquiry”—with no strings attached—to see what it means to be a part of the Catholic community, what we believe and how we try to faithfully live it together, becoming what God, in His goodness, intends. Meetings begin in September, but it would be helpful to hear from you well before that.

Catholic Inquiry and Faith Formation is a process, not a program or a course in adult religious education. It is about change of heart or conversion. It takes time for us to be aware of God working in our lives and for us to be open enough to listen to God speaking in our hearts. The Catholic Bishops require that the process should take nine months to a year. There are four steps to the process.

Reconciliation is held in the Church Confessionals.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: 11:00am – 11:45am

Saturday: 3:30pm – 4:15pm

To schedule an appointment please call the office at 573-636-8159.