Knights of Columbus
The nearly 2 million members of the Knights of Columbus form the largest Catholic Fraternal group in existence. As Knights, we serve our parish and community while working each day to create a better world through charity. If you are looking to live out your faith in the spirit of charity by helping others, our Knights of Columbus Council welcomes you to join them.
Knights and their families have the opportunity to become involved in our council’s charitable, faith-based, and social programs.
Since its founding in 1882 by Fr. Michael McGivney, the first principle of the order has been charity. Our council and those around the world actively assist the church and our neighbors in need.
We were also founded to protect our livelihood of catholic families, and that commitment means we continue to provide our members and their families with top quality life insurance. No life insurer in north America has a higher rating than the Knights of Columbus.
Today, we would like to offer you the opportunity to join us in our work for God and neighbor. Our council has undertaken many activities that benefit our parish, such as Vogelweid Learning Center, St. Peter School, PSR, and Helias Catholic High School
I am currently serving as the Grand Knight for our Father Helias Council #1054. My contact information is Mike Bish at

“Knights of Columbus have distinguished themselves by their love for Christ and loyalty to the Church.” – John Paul II
Why join the Knights?
- Help build and strengthen our church and community through charitable activities
- Support our religious and teachers while they are preparing our children to be future Catholic adults
- In the spirit of Jesus helping people, we in our small way try to improve opportunities for people lo-cally and worldwide
- Knowing the work we do may have helped a young lady to decide to keep her baby, provide food on a person’s table or built a shelter for a family
Monthly Meeting – Second Thursday
- Mass or Rosary at 6:30 pm
- Meeting at 7:00 pm (until 7:30 – 8:oo pm)
- Dinner following meeting
- Lenten Fish Dinners
- Samaritan Center Food Drive
- Developmental Disabilities Drive (Tootsie Roll)
- Roses for Life
- Knights of Columbus Bob Jones Annual Golf Tournament by Fr. Helias Council #1054
Who do we support?
- St. Peter Church
- Capital Campaign
- Parish School & PSR
- Vogelweid Learning Center
- March for Life
- Immaculate Conception School
- Parish School & PSR
- Belle Tower Barbeque
- March for Life
- Helias Catholic High School
- Christ Power Retreat
- Vitae Foundation
- Pregnancy Help Center
- Samaritan Center
- Habitat for Humanity
- Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital
- Special Olympics
- Diocesan Vocation Drive – Nova Dinner
- Helias Foundation
- Boys and Girls Club of The Capital City