The St. Peter Holy Name Society is the men’s organization of St. Peter Parish. Please visit us on Facebook.
President | Bruce Greene | 496-2900 |
Vice President | Shane VanOverschelde | 659-7596 |
Secretary | Dustin Schatzer | 239-6165 |
Treasurer | Jack Dayton | 353-1914 |
What is our Purpose?
The Holy Name Society provides service and assistance to the parish by providing volunteers, holding fund raising activities for donating to worthy causes, and provides an opportunity for the men of the parish who participate in its activities to socialize, fraternize, and become an active member of our parish family. The Holy Name Society is also the Charter Sponsor for St. Peter Boy Scout Troop 4 and St. Peter Cub Scout Pack 4.
Who can belong?
All adult men of the parish family are eligible to be members of the Holy Name Society, although only about 60 men actively participate in the society.
Are there any dues?
The dues are $3 per year. At the beginning of each calendar year, a contribution envelope labeled “Men’s Association” is included in the offering envelopes provided to all registered parishioners.
When are the meetings?
The Holy Name Society meets at 6:30 PM for food and refreshments and meetings beginning at 7:00 on the second Wednesday of the months of February, May, August, and November unless otherwise scheduled. The February meeting has traditionally been the Annual Fish Fry. The meetings are noted in the weekly parish bulletin.
What are the primary fundraisers sponsored by the Holy Name Society?
Two annual Pancake Breakfasts are the primary fund raising events of the Society. These Pancake Breakfasts are held on the last Sunday of February and on the last Sunday of October in the cafeteria in the basement of Selinger Center.
What are the funds used for?
Examples of the donations that the Society has made in the last few years include the following:
- $1075 donation to Jeff City diocesan vocation (2015).
- $500 donation for purchase of appliances in Scout Room, (2015).
- $250 donation toward the purchase of placards for the MLG. They will be hung on the walls behind the team benches to name the teams currently playing. 2015.
- $500 donation to aid in the purchase of textbooks for a special program at Jefferson City correctional center in which Deacon Tom Whalen is teaching the neuroscience of addiction and the ITC program. 2015.
- $80 donation to Helias Soccer for fund raiser.
- $100 to St. Peter for Big Bucks event donation (annual).
- $2,824 to repair the marquee sign at the corner of Broadway and High in front of the church and school. 2015.
- $500 to aid the hurricane-stricken Philippines, 2013.
- $320 for new basketball goals for the schools playground, 2013.
- $3000 toward funding boiler replacement in church.
- $1000 to Saint Peter youth ministry for World Youth Day, Cologne, Germany.
- $500 to National Catholic Youth Congress (NCYC). HN has made donations in the past few years.
- $75 for materials for an Eagle Scout project.
- $2000 to assist the Saint Peter youth group and their mission trip to Waveland, Mississippi to aid victims of the hurricane Katrina (two years at $1000 per year).
- $500 donation to fund relief aid trip to Joplin in 2012.
- $500 to partially sponsor a young parishioner and the “people to people” program in Britain.
- $500 to aid in education of the facts concerning “embryonic stem cell” research.
- $1000 toward funding of public address system and Selinger center.
Annual sponsor and organizer of tribute to the veterans of the Armed Forces held on November 11th, Veterans Day. Charter organization for St. Peter’s Boy Scout Troop 4 and St. Peter’s Cub Scout Pack 4.
In the past, other services include setting up for special events, assisting the ladies of the parish and parking cars for the annual Sale-O-Rama.
What other activities does the Holy Name Society organize or sponsor?
A few of the events that are organized and/or sponsored by The Holy Name Society are as follows:
- Annually, St. Peter Holy Name organizes and sponsors a tribute to the veterans of the armed forces that is held on November 11, Veteran’s Day. The tribute is held in St. Peter Church with a special Mass that includes participation by the V.F.W., American Legion, Marine Corps League, Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, Helias High School, Law Enforcement including the Police, Highway Patrol, and Sheriff departments, the National Guard, and many other veteran’s organizations.
- Men’s social activities include our regular business meetings held on the second Wednesday of February, May, August, and November. Each business meeting is limited to approximately one hour in length, includes food and refreshments and an opportunity to fraternize with other members. In the summer, approximately 15 members form the Saint Peter Saints Softball team and participate in the Jefferson City Park Board Church League.
How can you join?
Come to the Fish Fry or any other scheduled meeting.