We are responsible for providing worship and spiritual enrichment experiences (other than Holy Mass) for our parish.
Some activities have included:
Hosting a women’s retreat titled “It Wasn’t Easy Being Sarah.”
Hosting the “St. Peter Summer Speaker Series” with six different speakers over the summer months in 2016. The topics were “Defend the Faith in the 21st Century, “A Walk through the Mass,” “Raise a Catholic Family,” Our Lives with the Saints,” Discernment of Spirits,” and “Through Personal Relationships.”
Setting up a Divine Mercy Devotion on Divine Mercy Sunday which is the Sunday after Easter at the Holy Hour of 3:00 when Jesus died for us.
Making paper flower arrangements and spiritual bouquets for each of our parish Priests and Deacons as a Thank You for all that they do for us.
Sometimes we go out and share a tasty meal, a fun time, and talk with laughter to enhance our friendship and promote a “welcoming” parish.
We always start and end our meetings with prayer.
We are Michelle Keller, Gary Libbert, LaVerne Brondel, Jeanne Livers, Deacon Ric Telthorst, Deacon Phil and Rita Garcia, Mary Dayton and Our Parish Priest.
God Bless You,
Michelle Keller