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Choir The Choir is a group of men and women who sing at the 9:30 a.m. Mass twice a month from September through June. Rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Ability to read music is not a requirement. Music ranges from traditional to contemporary in style. The Choir director...
E-mail Prayer Line Prayer requests will be sent out weekly. Names will be removed from the list after 5 weeks. If additional prayers are needed, please e-mail your request again. Please list the First Name and Initial of the Last Name only. If you wish, you may choose one or more from the following:...
Spirit Alive (Choir)
Spirit Alive began in 1996 as a small piano/guitar group and has grown into a full-sized choir with instruments. The name Spirit Alive was chosen by the group to communicate the uplifting character of its music. The choir members have a deep love for God and express that love through their music. We have grown...
Spiritual Life and Worship Commission
We are responsible for providing worship and spiritual enrichment experiences (other than Holy Mass) for our parish. Some activities have included: Hosting a women's retreat titled "It Wasn't Easy Being Sarah." Hosting the "St. Peter Summer Speaker Series" with six different speakers over the summer months in 2016. The topics were "Defend the Faith in...